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Malaysian Economics and Stock Market Outlook Talk

FKEEevents | 30.4.2024 | The Teaching and Learning Committee of the Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering has organized a lifelong learning knowledge-sharing talk entitled “Malaysian Economics and Stock Market Outlook” on April 30, 2024, from 2-4pm at the Meeting Room, Level 2, Library of Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The talk was delivered by Ms Eltricia Foong and Mr Xiao Ping from Public Bank, Kuala Lumpur.

Ms. Eltricia Foong addressed the prevailing global economic turmoil, characterized by high inflation and escalating interest rates in the US, alongside mounting geopolitical tensions in the Red Sea region. Furthermore, conflicts, including the ongoing disputes between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the strife between Israel and Hamas and Israel and Iran, have collectively contributed to a sluggish market environment. China's economic slowdown, exacerbated by a combination of factors such as the property market crisis and trade tensions, further compounds the challenges faced by global markets. Consequently, these factors have pressured the Malaysian Ringgit (RM) and the local stock market, impeding their performance. However, she is positive that the market is in recovery in 2024. The outlook is getting positive and in their expectation.

Mr. Xiao Pin shared several technical analysis tools such as Bollinger band squeeze, Candlestick, moving average (MA), moving average convergence + divergence (MACD), exponential MA, relative strength index, and volume price analysis used to determine the right time to enter and leave the market.


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