Focus Groups
- Green and Sustainable Energy (GSEnergy)
- High Voltage and Insulation Coordination (KVolt)
- Power Electronics, Drives and Machines (PEDM)
- Power Integration System (PI Sys)
- Instrumentation and Sensing Technology (InSeT)
- Mechatronic and Control Research Group (MCRG)
- Group of Robotics Engineering and Technology (GREaT)
- Computational Signal, Image and Intelligence (CSII)
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Electronic and System Design (ESD)
- BioMedical Engineering and Measurement System (BioMEMS)
- Advanced Medical Imaging and Optics (AdMedic)
- VLSI and Embedded System Technology (VEST)
- Advanced Sensing Device and Technology (ASDT)
- RF and Microwave Devices (RFMD)
- Optical Communication and Artificial Intelligence (OCAI)
- Wireless and Propagation (WaP)