Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is an approach of curriculum design and teaching that focuses on what students should be able to do (attained) at the end of course/programme. Significant development of outcome based education approaches begins in 1960s by Carroll (1963), Bloom (1968), Spady (1988), among others.
Quoting definitions by Davis (2003):
“OBE is an approach to education in which decisions about the curriculum are driven by the exit learning outcomes that the students should display at the end of the course.”
“In OBE, product defines process.”
“OBE can be summed up as results-oriented thinking and is the opposite of input-based education where the emphasis is on the educational process and where we are happy to accept whatever is the result.”
This document explains the fundamental concept of OBE and its implementation in FKEE for staff and students' reference.
This document explains the fundamental concept of Complex Engineering Problem (CEP) & Complex Engineering Activities (CEA), and its implementation in the engineering program curriculum.
This document presents the essence of EAC manual 2020 as a reference for staff and students.