Focus Groups

  1. Green and Sustainable Energy (GSEnergy)
  2. High Voltage and Insulation Coordination (KVolt)
  3. Power Electronics, Drives and Machines (PEDM)
  4. Power Integration System (PI Sys)
  5. Instrumentation and Sensing Technology (InSeT)
  6. Mechatronic and Control Research Group (MCRG)
  7. Group of Robotics Engineering and Technology (GREaT)
  8. Computational Signal, Image and Intelligence (CSII)
  9. Internet of Things (IoT)
  10. Electronic and System Design (ESD)
  11. BioMedical Engineering and Measurement System (BioMEMS)
  12. Advanced Medical Imaging and Optics (AdMedic)
  13. VLSI and Embedded System Technology (VEST)
  14. Advanced Sensing Device and Technology (ASDT)
  15. RF and Microwave Devices (RFMD)
  16. Optical Communication and Artificial Intelligence (OCAI)
  17. Wireless and Propagation (WaP)